Friday, July 20, 2012

Greenbrier Water Test #3

First stop today was right outside of Lewisburg near the beginning of the Greenbrier Trail. The group avoided rain by testing the water under interstate bridge near Cat's Rock swimming area. Rex Dillinger suggested the area from previous visits to the river.

Rain had been falling since the previous night which would influence water quality since runoff and particulate would be agitated. After crunching the data and analyzing the quality overall, the water at this point rates medium at 57.67. Weather dropped the number ten points from Durbin.

Some questions to think after three test sites.
1. How would calibration of equipment test to test affect outcomes?
2. Why does water quality change as you move downstream?
3. The Greenbrier empties into the New River. What do you think the water quality will be in the New?

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